Tuesday 30 April 2013


A Student’s Guide

It’s that time again-study season. A season that creates mass panic, mass cramming, mass stress and mass procrastination. There’s nothing quite like exam-stress to force you in to a maddening bout of finding things that really don’t need to be done but suddenly MUST be done with a fervour that would have anyone suspect that you were the most diligent of workers in the world. It’s like once a book is produced that your eyes start wandering and then BAM they land on something remotely in need of a quick tidy/reorganizing/mass overhaul and you’re off. Except these stints are never quick, as I’ve come to realize. They can potentially consume an hour. They can potentially consume the whole day if needs be. It just depends how creative you can get with things...

If you look on the bright side of exam-season, I like to think of it as a “get-shit-done” phase (*NOTE the “shit getting done” does not include any study of any form). For instance, my room-usually an impenetrable fort of strewn clothes and general mess-is now a blissful oasis of organization. My desk has colour-coded sticky notes plastered in a Roman-style mosaic formation to remind me what exactly I should be doing every day. My socks are paired. PAIRED for Christ’s sake. It seems I have exhausted literally every avenue available to me to put off study and immerse myself in some other banal task.

As it appears, I am not the only one to be pulled in by the black-hole of procrastination. One friend has suddenly taken up leisurely strolls on the beach, another likes to send me Facebook pictures documenting how her studying is going.  As for me, I’ve decided to watch the whole series of Geordie Shore from the beginning, plus a healthy dose of The Valleys because nothing screams A+s all around than some seriously trashy tv-viewing.

As much as procrastinating is putting off what exactly you should be doing during reading week-studying-let’s not become too critical of it. I mean, you ARE doing something and that something is of worth in some minute part of your life. Probably very minute, at the very periphery of your existence but no matter. Your efforts are not in vain. You have successfully chosen the most inopportune time to spring-clean your wardrobe, paint your nails, read a completely irrelevant book and watch some wholly exam-unrelated material but fuck it, you will be the best dressed, most feng-shui and informed student on all trashy reality tv shows going walking in to that exam hall. There's more to life than exams and procrastination shows us that-there is quite literally, HEAPS of other things to do outside of exams and I plan to tackle every single one of them before I actually genuinely have to study.