Wednesday 30 December 2015


  • Making friends with as many people across the world means you always have accommodation whenever you decide to travel.

  • Finding a great mooting partner is like finding true love.

  • Rejection is part of life and not all rejection is bad. Sometimes, people can see what you can’t see and are doing you a favour by turning you down.

  • 22 is too young to freak out about your future success.

  • Internships are an excellent way to figure out what you like.

  • Internships are an excellent way to figure out what you dislike.

  • YES ALWAYS to facepaint.

  • YES ALWAYS to mind maps.

  • If you get enough sleep, eat well and exercise, the rest will take care of itself.

  • I have no idea what the rest consists of.

  • Moving countries takes a lot of physical and emotional energy.

  • Ryanair has become significantly more attractive since they removed their “only one item of hand luggage” rule.

  • Putting your electric toothbrush in the dishwasher to clean it is not a good idea.

  • People are a lot less scary and a lot more open to impromptu conversation with a stranger than I thought.

  • Etsy is an excellent forum for customized gifts.

  • Scented candles make everywhere more appealing.

  • You never know when you’ll need to ask a favour so don’t burn bridges.

  • Cheap wine is never a good idea.

  • Everyone loves cookies - cookies create world peace.

  • Note to self: make more cookies. Distribute amongst the masses.

  • Siblings are probably the only ones with whom you have the longest shared history. This is both comforting and time efficient when trying to explain something.

  • Parents are great people. Flawed people. But great people.

  • Marriage equality is wonderful.

  • Ireland is an excellent place to explore, even when you are from there.

  • Incorporating one or two vegan recipes in to your weekly meals is good for you, good for your pocket and good for the environment.

  • If at first you don’t succeed (with your driving test) try and try again until you eventually succeed.

  • Rock your accent even when people make fun of it.

  • Finding good make-up that suits your skin tone is an essential hunter/gatherer skill.

  • The Simpsons say you don’t make friends with salad. I have happened to make lots of friends with salad.

  • It is important to invest in good underwear, good shoes, a good winter coat and a good frying pan that doesn’t stick. 

  • Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie is GOD.

  • Be wary that no one will understand your conversation with your best friends.

  • If you are thinking you haven't spoken to someone in a while, act immediately and send them a message. 

  • Recycling gives me a strange sense of satisfaction and organization.

  • Fluctuat nec Mergitur.

  • Tell people they are cool if you think they are cool.

  • Shower-cries are a perfectly acceptable mode of self-expression.

  • How to gym ; Pick a friend. A reliable friend. Go to the gym with that friend. Work out a gym schedule with that friend.  Track progress with friend. Congratulate friend. Bask in productivity with friend.

  • Graduating is not scary. It’s the period AFTER graduation when things start to get interesting.

  • You never know when you might become a refugee, so treat them with humanity.

  • I owe a large part of my social life to Whatsapp/Facebook/Skype.

  • There is no such thing as having too much toilet paper.

  • You are never too busy to send a thank-you card.

  • Handmade cards are the best cards.

  • Health is wealth.


  1. Amazing post! Chimamanda Ngozie Adichei is a phenomenal writer. You might like Taiye Selasi if you like Chimamanda.

  2. Thank you, Sheryl! I will definitely look her up :)
